Freelance Graphic Design and Photography

Need a business card or logo designed?
Invitations? Promotional flyers?
One on one lessons in Photoshop, InDesign or Lightroom?


Panel 1

Graphic Designer
with a passion for photography

Years of experience in various areas of design,
including newspapers, real estate and press advertising, packaging, exhibition displays and marketing.
Vocational lecturer and assessor of Graphic Design and Adobe Creative Suite software.

Now available for freelance work, either remotely or onsite.

  • Graphic Design – let me create your marketing material
  • Photo retouching – colour enhancing, image manipulation, remove blemishes, special effects, deep etching
  • Photo books – holiday pics used to create keepsake memories
  • Lessons on how to use your camera
  • Lessons on how to use Photoshop, Lightroom and InDesign
Panel 2 Placeholder
Panel 3 Placeholder
Panel 4 Placeholder